Every standard requires the definition of roles, responsibilities and authorities. Most organisations work with job profiles. Some organisations specifically choose not to. Nevertheless, this standard requirement must be met. Defining roles, responsibilities and authorities can also be done in other ways. In these tips & tricks we will elaborate on them.
Download a free RACI Matrix
A frequently used method is drawing up a so-called RACI matrix, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed. You can easily download the matrix at the bottom of this page.
In this matrix all duties, powers and responsibilities are covered. A list is made with all frequently occuring tasks. Then the functions or names are listed in columns. For the function or person concerned, it is indicated whether it is someone’s task, responsibility or authority.
If necessary, it can also be indicated whether it is a back-up task for someone (the person who replaces the person with primary responsibility). Especially for smaller organisations, the creation of such a matrix is of great added value.
Include responsibilities and authorities in the procedures
Another method is to include the necessary responsibilities and authorities in procedures. In the procedure, there is room to name the most important responsibilities and authorities for each function.
Preferably do this by naming the function and not the person. This avoids unnecessary work or outdated information when there is a change in personnel. This method is often used as an addition to existing job profiles.
Flow charts
A third method is to work with flow charts. Many organisations already work with flowcharts, in which the steps in the process are recorded. An alternative is the so-called function flowchart.
With a function flowchart a distinction is made between the various functions within a process and the corresponding steps in that process. This way, it is clear at a glance who should take up which tasks within the process.
More and more organisations are working with IT systems that are set up to establish workflows within the IT system. All processes are then set up in the software system, ensuring that all steps in the process are allocated to the right people or functions. This method also ensures that roles, responsibilities and authority are safeguarded within the organisation.
Do you still want to use job profiles?
In that case, make sure that tasks, responsibilities and authorities that are part of the management system are added. Good cooperation with the person responsible for drawing up the job profiles is a must.
Obviously, the right method depends on the size and complexity of the organisation. Most standards do not require roles, responsibilities and authorities to be documented. However, the more tasks there are, the harder it is to secure this without documented information.