Category: Certification
What is an ISO certification?
The question what is an ISO certification is not a question answered easily. The world of ISO standards can be quite complex. In this article we try to provide a short answer so you know what an ISO certification is. More and more companies are asked to submit an ISO certificate before doing business,…
ISO 9001 | Help with certification
Explanation, requirements and checklist ISO 9001 is the most common used standard on quality management. With an ISO certificate you show how much value your organisation places on delivering and continuously improving quality. You work transparently and are reliable. The greatest benefit of achieving this certificate? The structure of your future management system will help…
How do you prepare your organisation for the ISO 9001 certification?
You want to or you have to obtain ISO 9001 certification, but where do you start? In this step-by-step plan, we explain how an organisation prepares for ISO 9001 certification. Certification in 6 steps: Step 1 Inventory First of all, you make an inventory of what is already present within the company that meets the…